Government Cove is by far my most popular location for engagement photos. It’s located in the Columbia Gorge, but it’s still not too far from Portland. More specifically, it’s in Cascade Locks. Cody and Lindsay’s session took place in April, leaving some snow still on the hills behind them– I’m obsessed! I couldn’t imagine a better engagement session for these two. It was so great getting to meet before their wedding a few months later, which is why I always recommend using the complimentary engagement session included in your wedding package! Book your Government Cove engagement today.
Another one of my favorite aspects of this session were the outfits and colors they chose. Everything was so neutral and Earthy, making for great tones across all the images. They had two different outfits to get more variety in their shoot, and I think it was a great choice for them. Brides will often wear a white dress of some sort to give off the bridal look, so Lindsay included that alongside her tan floral dress.

This is a great location year-round because it’s not dependent on foliage to look nice. When you have the river backdrop, it always looks great! I’ve done sessions here between January and October and all have been stunning. It can certainly get windy, but we can work with it! That’s how things usually go in the Gorge. Cascade Locks has a few breweries that I love to visit when I’m in the area, including Thunder Island Brewing Co. Choosing one of my ‘adventure’ locations can be fun and for you and your partner to explore and enjoy a date together before or after your session. I never want your session or wedding day to be boring or ‘just an all-day photo shoot’, please incorporate things you love, whether it’s before, during, or after your photos.

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